John and Wendy,

Thank you very much for your care package.  We are extremely grateful.

I know many soldiers in Afghanistan live on relatively large posts.

We, however do not.  I’m a medic on a Special Forces team and we are out by ourselves.  We were able to pick up the package by travelling an hour to a semi big base.  It’s not that bad out here though. I think our biggest frustration is our restraints for our rules of engangement.  We really want to take the fight to the enemy and we don’t have the freedom to do what we would like.  But we’re part retarded, give us no food, water, any sort of amenities and let us fight….we’re happy as can be 😉 It’s so great for us to have Patriots back home who support our service.  Knowing there are Americans who suppport means more than anything.  Thank you for YOUR service.

Combat Diver!,
