John and Wendy,
Thank you guys for the packages that were sent to Afghanistan in my name.  They arrived late in our deployment, so the guys I’m deployed with scavanged what they needed out of them and the rest we brought to our Unit Run Task Force Exchange for distribution to the rest of the soldiers and civilian contractors on our post.  I mention our Unit Run Task Force Exchange (rather than PX, because AAFES doesn’t run it) because our camp is so small that AAFES doesn’t think we deserve all the stuff a regular PX gets.  Therefore your packages were greeted with enthusiasm and there was shortly nothing left.  I assure you that EVERYTHING that was sent was put to good use. I personally know a couple of your kids (I live in Whitinsville right down the street from the 101st armory and my wife works for Family Services, she’s the State Youth Coordinator), so I know how much doing this stuff means to you…you would think in this day and age where you can order anything you want off the internet and get it usually within a week, that care packages would be out of date.  I’m here to tell you they aren’t, and the kind of stuff you send goes a long way towards making Joe a little more comfortable and keeping a few more dollars in his pocket.

Thank you both so very much!  God Bless!

SSG Gerald W. Kabul, Afghanistan

P.S.- The 181 is rolling out soon, but the 26th MEB is here and the 182 is replacing us…so keep the goodies coming to Afghanistan for the MA Army National Guard. Our boys deserve it.