by OAS_Admin | Sep 3, 2015 | Homepage post scroll, Inspiration, Letters from Soldiers
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
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Thank you again for continuing to supply us with care packages! We are so thankful for everything that you are doing for us! It is so funny to watch the faces of these grown men when they open these packages and to watch the excitement on their faces as they dig through the gifts.
I will be leaving within a two week period, not exactly sure when. I know that my replacements name is Yvette Sendejo and she will have the exact same address. I will notify her that you may continue to send packages to our soldiers through her. I can’t begin to thank you for supporting me and my soldiers throughout this deployment. It is something that I will never forget and will always look for ways to pay it forward!
Best wishes and much love from this side of the world!
by OAS_Admin | Aug 25, 2015 | Homepage post scroll, Inspiration, Letters from Soldiers
John & Wendy,
I just wanted to send you guys a big thanks for all the boxes of goodies you have sent to our ship! This is a wonderful idea that you have started. We have couple of guys here that do not receive anything so when they opened their boxes they were super excited. Especially being young new guys. God bless you and your family and once again, we are greatly appreciative of everything you do. Thanks!!!
Very Respectfully,
Trae Wicker
by OAS_Admin | Aug 25, 2015 | Homepage post scroll, Inspiration, Letters from Soldiers
Dear John & Wendy,
I am the chaplain onboard the USS McFAUL and am writing to thank you for your generous care package which we received.
We appreciate your care and support so much.
Please extend our thanks to all the folks at Operation American Soldier.
Know that our Sailors will gratefully use the goodies, and through them, have their morale uplifted.
Please continue your great work for our military personnel.
With gratitude,
Chaplain Joseph Han
by OAS_Admin | Aug 11, 2015 | Homepage post scroll, Inspiration, Letters from Soldiers
Date: Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 4:41 AM
Subject: (U) Thank you again!!
John and Wendy,
We have just received another shipment of goodies from Operation American Soldier! I will take some pictures of all of the thank you cards we have posted around our break room!! The problem is sometimes the internet is so slow that they won’t load onto an email, but I will keep trying!
Again, your generosity and well wishes astound us! I know I have told you before that we are on a NATO base in Kabul with several other nations. The soldiers from other countries are always shocked at how well supported our US troops are. They love to read the cards that come from the children (some of which make all of us laugh out loud)!! Of course, we share the wealth and allow them to take some of the treats. They really get nothing from people back home. The fact that we are getting so much love from complete strangers is amazing. THANK YOU!
I’m not sure if any of our other locations are sending you thank you emails. I would hope they are but I know people get really caught up with things around here and even the best of intentions are lost in the mix. Please know that I was in Herat last week- they had just received their most recent shipment- and they were so incredibly grateful and thankful for everything. I am currently in Bagram this week and the crew here sends enormous thank yous for all of their goodies!
Thank you for everything that you do to support us and keep us loaded up with morale! We are so appreciative in every way. If there is anything at all that you can think of that you would like from Afghanistan, please let me know!
by OAS_Admin | Feb 4, 2014 | Homepage post scroll, Inspiration, Letters from Soldiers
My name is First Sergeant Paul Schuster. I just wanted to drop a note to
say THANKS for all the support back home.
The boxes you sent went straight into the hands of Marines from Bravo
Company 1/9. They are patrolling daily around Camp Leatherneck to keep this
base safe.
Thanks again!
1stSgt Paul Schuster
Bravo Company First Sergeant
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