From: Muckle, Garraux
Date: Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 7:54 AM
Mr. Rocca,
I am GM2 Muckle. I am a sailor on board the USS McFaul. The ship just recently received a care package from Operation American Soldier and was told that if we wanted to thank those responsible for such a kind act, to contact you. So I send my dearest thanks! Not just form myself but from the entire crew on board this mighty warship. Its tough being away from our homes and loved ones for so long. But certain, simple gestures make this life easier and well worth it. the gratitude put into a care package is top of the list. Knowing that someone at home is thinking of us out here, hoping for our safety and well-being. Every gesture makes our jobs and duties seem so much sweeter, knowing were out to protect the very people that think of us so often at home. So again, thank you for your amazing gratitude and thank you for all the prayers and wishes. We are extremely grateful.
GM2(SW) Muckle
And Crew of the USS McFaul
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